Community projects
The museums of Forssa, Södertälje (Sweden) and Struer (Denmark) are carrying out a joint museum project Wear & Share relating to textile heritage. During the project, the twin city museums will inspire, encourage and guide their collections and textile heritage-related activities in general. The aim is to develop the museums as places of participation, to promote the creative use of collections, to strengthen interactions between the generations and to share knowledge between the museum professionals. During the project, the collections of textiles will be digitised, memories will be collected and new will be created from old within the framework of courses and workshops. Each museum carries out activities suitable for its own location and collections.
The project received a Capacity Development grant from the Nordic Culture Point.
PATTERNS is an ERASMUS+ project between Romanian, Polish, Estonian and Finnish cultural heritage organization and foundations:
Fundacja Dom from Bialystok, Poland
Comunitatea Armana din Romania - filiala Bucuresti from Bucharest, Romania
Galeria im. Sleńdzińskich from Bialystok, Poland
Forssa museum from Forssa, Finland
SA Narva Muuseum, from Narva, Estonia
During this project these partner institutions and non-governmental organizations will learn about the methods of conducting educational activities with their partners. They will share knowledge and learn about good practices of education and popularization of art and textile heritage and using online tools, which in crises such as the current pandemic are essential for reaching out to the community.
The project will look at the differences and similarities in fabric design in the period of the second half of the 20th century in different parts of Europe. Inhabitants of the cities where the partner institutions come from will be able to connect with the wider European cultural, industrial and textile heritage of the 20th century as well as with the local history through the partner institutions and organizations.
During this project the partner organizations will visit each other to network and strengthen the international connections and cooperation between our cultural heritage organizations.We are planning to develop know-how, collegial cohesion, and an increase of expertise in the field of European textile production traditions. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the collection and digital practices of textile museums and to create a discussion platform on which to collaborate.
Kulttuuriperinnön pelastuksen ABC -hanke (Pela ABC) aloitti toimintansa elokuussa 2016. Hanke on TAKOn ( Museoiden valtakunnallinen tallennus- ja kokoelmayhteistyö ) nelospoolin yhteishanke, jota hallinnoidaan Forssasta käsin. Hankkeeseen osallistuu museoita yli poolirajojen. Lue lisää »
Re3 REmember, REvive, REuse
In 2014-15 we had a Finnish-German-Polish Grundtvig Learning project Re3, which remembered, revived and reused local textile heritage, and activated citizens to work with museum. The project included lots of activities and sharing the knowledge within partnership. You can read about the project in our blog and find more detailed information on it in European Shared Treasure -database.
Kokoelmat kuntoon vapaaehtoisten ja työkuntoutumistoimintaan osallistuvien avustamina!
Kokoelmat kuntoon on Forssan museon kokoelmatyötä, vapaaehtoistoimintaa ja pitkäaikaistyöttömien työkuntoutustoimintaa yhdistävä projekti, jonka toteutuu vuosien 2015 ja 2016 aikana.
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